Meghan Markle's Ugly Wedding Dress - The Controversy

Meghan Markle Wears Givenchy Dress for the Royal Wedding
Meghan Markle Wears Givenchy Dress for the Royal Wedding from

Meghan Markle's wedding to Prince Harry in 2018 was a spectacle to behold. Everywhere you turned, there were headlines and images of the beautiful couple and their amazing wedding. But, it wasn't all sunshine and rainbows. There was one thing that sparked some controversy: Meghan Markle's wedding dress. While some people thought it was stunning, others thought it was ugly. So, what is the truth about Meghan Markle's wedding dress?

The Dress Design

Meghan Markle's wedding dress was designed by Clare Waight Keller. Keller is the first female artistic director of the fashion house Givenchy. The dress was a long-sleeved boat-necked gown with a long train. The gown was made of silk and featured an open back and a 15-foot long veil. The veil was decorated with hand-embroidered flowers and featured a quote from a love poem by the poet and civil rights leader Maya Angelou.

The Reactions

When the photos of Meghan Markle's wedding dress were released, the reaction was split. Some people thought the dress was beautiful and elegant. Others thought it was too plain and not glamorous enough for a royal wedding. Some critics said the dress was "too simple" and not "royal enough". Others thought the veil was too long and the train too heavy.

The Cost of the Dress

The cost of Meghan Markle's wedding dress has been estimated to be around $150,000. This is a hefty price tag for a wedding dress, and it has made some people ask questions. Some have questioned if the cost was justified, while others have argued that the cost was too high for a dress that was not well-received. It is unclear who paid for the dress, but it is likely that it was paid for by the royal family.

The Designer's Defense

Clare Waight Keller, the designer of Meghan Markle's wedding dress, has defended her design. She has said that the dress was designed to be timeless and elegant, and that the design was meant to be classic and not flashy. She has also said that the dress was designed with the intention of allowing Meghan to shine on her special day.

The Debate Continues

The debate over Meghan Markle's wedding dress continues to this day. Some people still think the dress was beautiful, while others think it was ugly. No matter which side of the debate you fall on, it is clear that Meghan Markle's wedding dress was a source of controversy. It is unlikely that the debate will be settled any time soon.


Meghan Markle's wedding dress was a source of controversy. While some people thought the dress was beautiful, others thought it was ugly. The designer of the dress, Clare Waight Keller, has defended her design, saying that it was meant to be timeless and elegant. The debate over Meghan Markle's wedding dress is still ongoing, and it is unlikely that it will be settled any time soon.

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